Monday, February 09, 2009

What a Difference

The News: President Obama gave his first press conference today, in which he discussed his approach to solving the economic crisis and touched upon policy changes with respect to the Middle East.

The Note: What a difference forthrightness and intelligence make.

©Barfo, 2009



ellin barret said...

it was refreshing! what a difference to have a President who can answer questions without the teleprompter; will attempt to explain his thinking about complex issues (one answer went on for 7 minutes!); can answer a multi-part question in multiple pieces and keep track of the questions asked; who exhibits thoughtfulness in his responses. Following the 'town hall' earlier in the day, where the audience was NOT screened; where several questions posed were awkward and unfriendly, and our President respected the questioners and answered them! can he possibly continue as if we could live in a participatory democracy? not just repeating mini-second "sound bites"? whatever else one thinks about the games played in Washington, this is a refreshing approach. what day is it??? Day 20 of the Obama Administration?

chip said...

Yes, it's truly amazing. Even people who are not all that sanguine about his program are dumbstruck by his articulateness. One French commentator wrote "Can this be a president of the United States?" LOL.